d2fgui - GUI for dat2file.exe ============================= Introduction ------------ d2fgui is a Win32 GUI for the commandline program dat2file.exe which is used to extract Mode2/Form2 files from CDs created with the Mode2CDMaker. Copyright (c) 2003 Oliver Valencia d2fgui is free software (GPL). Installation ------------ No installation needed. Only requirement is that the programs dat2file.exe and d2fgui.exe have to be in the same directory. Placed in the root directory of a Mode2/Form2 CD d2fgui gives an easy access to the Form2 files. Usage ----- When started d2fgui tries to find Form2 files in the current directory and its subdirectories. Form2 files are identified by the extension .dat. These files will be displayed in the listbox. To extract files specify an output directory, select the files you wish to convert and klick the 'Extract'-Button. Or, if you want all files to be ex- tracted, klick the 'Extract all'-Button. If the CD was created with the Mode2CDMaker option -x (-extname) to keep the original file extension, you can use the option 'restore original Extension'. In this case the extracted files will be saved without the extension .dat. Commandline Options ------------------- d2fgui /auto The user will be asked for the output directory. Then the extraction starts without further confirmation. d2fgui /autorestore Same as above, but the original file extensions will be restored. Links ----- Mode2CDMaker: http://webs.ono.com/de_xt/ License ------- This program is free software. For more information see license.txt. Disclaimer ---------- No warranty. The author makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. The author's liability shall not include any claim for or right to recover any damages, including but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software or special incidental or consequential damages, even if the author has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages. Contact ------- d2fgui Homepage: http://cdrtfe.sourceforge.net eMail : kerberos002@users.sourceforge.net Please use the tag [d2fgui] in the subject. Otherwise the eMail would not get through the spam filter.